Hey Gang,
This week I want you to reflect on the role and responsibility of Government. Why do we have Government? Why do we leave a State of Nature? What do we rely on our Government for? What are the advantages of a democracy over other forms of government...... hereditary kingdoms, theocracies, parliamentarian monarchies, dictatorships?
Let Machiavelli, Mill, and Locke inspire you here, but do NOT simply spout them back to me. I know what they say.....I now want to know what your INFORMED input is!
As always, respond to classmates as well.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
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The role of goevernment, in my opinion should be very small. I disagree with having a small group of men and women telling me what i can and cannot do. Government should be extremely limited especially in are personal lives. I definately agree will Mill and his belief that individuals should deal with matters involving individuals, while society deals with isssues only concerning society. But government is important in many cases such as national defense and monitoring monopolies etc. As long as the government doesnt intrude on everyones personal choices and follows the constitution im happy. We have government because without some overall organization or leadership, no real progress could really be made as a society. Also, crimes would be unregulated without a police body. A state of Nature in my opinion is just freedom of choice without infringing on others choices. This is important because choices are what makes us free and without freedom life is meaningless. The main advantages of a democracy is that the people choose who they want to represent them. But democracies arent perfect either. Propaganda in the mainstream media and even lack of information can sway elections. Sometimes in the end the ones who get elected are the ones who have the most money to advertise and who can say the right things instead of the one who will really do the best for the country or state. In any case though, a democracy is better than a monarchy or theocracy where you dont have much choice at all!
ReplyDeletei believe that the role the government should have, is very limited. people should be free to do as they wish and fight for their beliefs, in a well manner, on U.S soil. However, government must be by us like our shadow whenever there is a problem to big for the people to handle. Problems such as war, taxes, laws that potentially take our human rights, and create laws that can help our nation for the better as well. I think as a democracy, we have more room for errors to happen in which all cases some sort of government comes across. As a democracy, we can have our opinion and take them to higher levels, such as new law, without being killed or vanishing like some in a dictatorship. Machiavelli claims it is better to be feared than loved in most cases, however when you do everything right for your people, being love can be much more rewarding. there will always be arguments inside a democracy,but its is good to have these arguments be heard so that when it is time to make a decision, it can be way more decisive in the end. as for state of Nature, i believe this is the right thing to do because it is another way for the people and the state to create decisions instead of the government. These were individuals states before they become a union, and the government does regulate some of their issues, such as trade with other states, but the limited government regulation that is placed for the states, is well devised plan. Even though in Arkansas, Sec. 18-54. Sounding of horns at sandwich shops. No person shall sound the horn on a vehicle at any place where cold drinks or sandwiches are served after 9:00 p.m. it's freedom for the states and should be granted and respected by the government...
ReplyDelete(if anyone thinks that i am just making that up, heres the link. http://tjshome.com/dumblaws.php
This is by Jessica Schildt.
ReplyDeleteGovernment stands in the way of anarchy. It ensures that we have safety, and is a barrier against lawlessness and chaos. Government also provides a way for the people to elect their fellow citizens to represent their interests. The government should protect its people, especially the rights of those people (examples: the right to private property and the right to jury of one’s peers). National defense is also a role that the government should assume. Beyond this, the powers of government are often misused and should be limited. It’s easy to say that government can fix all of our problems and that, as a result, the role of government is to be very involved in everything going on all of the fifty states. It is also easy to say that people cannot (or do not) always make the best decisions on their own, and that the government should help them do so. While the government is a necessary entity, it was never intended to be the solution to every problem this country faces. Thus said, the government has the inherent responsibility to be truthful; our elected officials should have the country’s best interests in mind and aim to be efficient.
Both Hobbes and Locke “invite us to consider what life would be like in a state of nature, that is, a condition without government” (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hobbes-moral/#StaNat). While this may seem preferable to the sometimes monstrous government, it is not a wise option because it allows every possession of ours to become vulnerable to attack and theft. With no rules and no protection, anarchy threatens the livelihood of all citizens. Quite simply, we leave a State of Nature because it is our only assurance of keeping order and avoiding utter turmoil.
When the Founding Fathers created the Constitution, they laid the framework for a democracy that would be one of the most unique in the world. Benjamin Franklin one said that democracy was not perfect, but it was the closest that any system of government came to perfection; he advocated for the Constitution as it was “because [he] expect[ed] no better and because [he was] not sure that it [was] not the best” (Bowen 256).
Although democracy is not perfect, however, it is the best system of government that the world has seen in modern times.
When compared with hereditary kingdoms, which unfairly bestow power upon one simply because he or she was born to royal parents, democracy wins. The relative fairness of our elections proves to be better than having no elections at all. Democracy is an excellent example of government deriving its power from the consent of the governed (Locke) and it gives the governed ample opportunities to hold the government accountable for its actions. Under democracy, rulers cannot act with no limits as Machiavelli advised in the Prince; there are ways to prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
ReplyDeleteTheocracies such as those in the Eastern section of America have shown themselves to be very imperfect. A brief study of the Salem Witch Trials shows the injustice and manipulation present in a theocracy. More modern examples can be found in some parts of both Afghanistan and Pakistan, which are ruled by the Taliban. Theocracies take a doctrine and impose it upon the people, which is dangerous because the doctrine creates unreasonable (and sometimes cruel) laws/punishments that extend beyond the necessary laws that a fair government should create.
Parlimentarian monarchies are exactly what the Founding Fathers and Revolutionary Americans ran from when they established a new country in the late eighteenth century. While this system of government may seem harmless enough, it does not allow its citizens the “certain inalienable rights” that every human being deserves. Power is divided much differently in a parliamentarian monarchy, and often there is much disparity between the interests of the people and the actions of the government. And while there have been (and currently there are) disparities between the government and the people in America, we have democracy to give us a fresh start every two-to-four years so we can stop the policies that cause the disparities.
To me, the government is supposed to protect the people, and deal with issues that the general public either shouldn't know about, or wouldn't know how to deal with. However, the government should watch over the people as a whole, and should be kept out of individual affairs as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is the best type of government because the major decisions regarding the people are made by the people. In a monarchy, the people don't choose the ruler/rulers, and all executive decisions are made by that them. In a theocracy, the church makes all executive decisions. Dictatorships are also ruled by a single person. Democracies are the only governments where every single person has a say.
I believe a government exists to keep control of people all around the world, as without a government to create laws and regulations, society would run rampant. Government keeps balance and control in an overall view, rather than an individual rule. That being said, it also exists to protect the people, say from doing things that could harm themselves. Let's face it, without our laws within the United States from the government, all of us would be running around doing whatever we wanted, no matter how wrong or cruel they may be.
ReplyDeleteLike several others have said, I think democracy has several advantages over those other listed governments, as it creates a fair society, one that values the input of it's citizens over anything else. This allows for the citizens to remain happy, and generally support their government without the worry of an overthrow hanging in the balance. Democracy also has the advantage when it comes to decisions that are uncertain, as sometimes the values and opinions of it's citizens could be the deciding factor, as you get input from non-government people, something that governments could always use.
Governments allow for a cohesion of the social body. As a culture evolves, advances, and grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage all aspects of the relationships between its constituents; there are just too many interdependant ties for each business or individual to be expected to keep control of itself. This can lead to anarchy, where, with no structure, people's human rights can't be protected and are overridden. A government helps to prevent this by setting up the standards of its society and (to some extent) overseeing its cohesion and inter-relationships. This lets the network of life continue with fewer issues, and we come to rely on the government to insure this. In the case of a democracy, the aforementioned social standards are agreed upon by the majority, which is a better system in that, since the people are the ones who decided upon the laws, they will have little argument against obeying them. When people feel their best interests are being represented and their liberties and choices remains intact, a government can continue its job to oversee the continued advancement and smooth running of its society.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGovernment is meant to oversee and assist in regulating society as a whole and in specific areas that need special attention, such as war and the economy. Our government is relied on for welfare, policies, and the upholding of the Constitution when bills or laws are submitted. It also allows society to be more organized and assist in guiding it through various matters. A democracy allows all individuals to participate in the political process and feel as though they have a voice in governmental and political matters. This prevails over monarchies, theocracies, etc... because the people are not forced to follow and listen to an individual without first being allowed the chance to express their opinion. The rights of the society and basic human freedoms are protected, such as the right to voice one's opinion, and there is more protection for minorities that otherwise might be discriminated against on a greater level in a non-democratic society. A democracy also has less of a chance of causing a rebellion or uprising, since the majority of individuals are not forced to follow laws and regulations that they do not prefer.
ReplyDeleteGovernment has the job to perform duties that organize, discipline, and overall manage its people. This is a necessity, for without it humanity would still be stuck in the Stone Age. Leaving this "State of Nature" is the only way in which peoples can progress. Without taking the next step in setting up controlled environments no one would get anywhere. This initiative is imperative in order to properly obtain enough participation to become successful.
ReplyDeleteCitizens rely on their government for security. To not only protect them from harm but to help guide them through their lives. This is reason enough why a Democracy is essential in order for a government to meet these roles in which it has. With a Democracy everyone is equal in that anyone can become a leader and decision maker. This is unique unlike with other governments where this may not be the case. Many times responsibility holders are placed by default based on their blood, and this can be negative to a country that could have better potential if it gave others a chance. Although Democracies, like with any form of government, base their foundation on some form of religion, Democracies are different. With a Democracy there can be more freedom in how one would like to think and what one would like to believe. This genre of government is special in that it is not as strict on situations like these.
All in all Democracy is the most ideal government in that it is in favor of the people.
The purpose of government is to guide the lives of the people. Not only does it protect us from ourselves and each other, but it also sets rules and standards for us to live by that enable us to have a civilized lifestyle. Government provides us services such as healthcare, social security, police, etc. Likewise, the military is provided to protect us from foreign aggression. The government also protects us from ourselves – there are laws against harmful chemicals in our food, air, and water. Without government, our lives would be chaos. It would be almost a literal “dog-eat-dog” world where anarchy runs the streets. Nobody would be here to pave our roads, jail criminals, provide us with healthcare, control the pollution, and basically just provide the many services that we do not realize are there. We rely on government for our health, the safety of ourselves against others, social security for when we grow older, decision making of how our society is run, the roads by which we travel, and much more.
ReplyDeleteThe advantage of having a democracy over other forms of government is that the people who govern us, who can drastically change the way in which we live our lives, are represented by us. In contrast, a hereditary kingdom is run by people who are ‘born’ into the job. This does not mean that they’re going to be good for their job or even represent the common interest of the people. If they’ve been living in this ‘kingdom’ their whole life, how can they even be expected to understand what normal life is like? Although Machiavelli believes that hereditary kingdoms are somewhat peaceful because the people are used to the family, I definitely think that the person who governs the country should be picked BY the people, FOR the people. Backtracking to the advantages of a democracy, other governments such as monarchy, theocracy, and dictatorships do not display the interests of the people. As history has shown, when religion is mixed with government, good things don’t happen. If some people do not believe in the religion, then their government does not properly represent them. Then how can they be expected to make choices for them? Democracy is also better than dictatorship because the people get to choose what happens in their life. A dictator takes the people’s freedom away and chooses for themselves, and not for the people.
The main reason why we created the government to somehow maintain order, which according to our history book is the oldest purpose of the government, by protecting citizens from violence or criminal activity. Many may not realize, but no matter what type of government a citizen has, the institution gives a sense of security to most of the populace.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Hobbes (http://www.iep.utm.edu/hobmoral/), the only way people can leave a State of Nature is if they make social contracts with their neighbors, an example of a social contract is where two farmers agree not to kill each others cattle. I agree that the ability to make our own contracts with our friends and neighbors gives us more freedom but in the end they cause more problems than benefits and it is for this reason that we should leave a State of Nature because social contracts are rarely upheld which cause issues for society. The reason why we rely on government is not only to protect us from violence, but also to ensure that the right policies are passed to satisfy the needs of citizens.
Democracies: Unlike all the other types of governments, a democracy allows all the citizens of the state to vote for their representatives, which indirectly gives them the power to enact and repeal laws. But like all other governments, it also has its flaws. According to Mill (On Liberty) who changed his belief that the democratic government to criticizing the U.S. government which gives power to the majority. I agree that every citizen above eighteen has some power, but in the end it is usually the majority who win.
Hereditary Kingdom: Machiavelli claims that a hereditary kingdom is easier to manage because the people are used to the rule, but as we saw in the case of Cesar Borgia where even his fathers popularity was not enough to keep control of his kingdom, probably due to the cause that he was extremely cruel. This type of government is usually ineffective because the leader had a different objective than the people.
Theocracy: Theocracies have only one advantage and that is where most citizens believe in a common religion, this best seen during the height of the Vatican City regime, where the Pope had the most power. Unfortunately, if enough people lose their faith because of events that the government could not prevent, then the theocracy will fall into ruins or drastically reduce in size, best seen after the Vatican City lost their power over Italy.
Parliamentarian Monarchies: This type of government was the innovation of monarchy to monarchies with parliaments that had power to approve or repeal bills created by the king. In other words, a parliamentarian monarchy is like a democracy except instead of a president, there is a king or leader who still has most of the power. This type of government gives less power to the people.
Dictatorships: This government gives all power to one single person or group, and greed comes with power, because if it did not communism rather than a democracy would be the perfect government. Similar to the hereditary rulers, dictators have different agendas than the people, and it is their agenda that harms the country. If China and U.S.S.R. did not try to isolate themselves because of the fear that the freedom could ruin their government, then they would be not only far more advanced but far more successful.
Government exists simply because the people need a source of control and balance. It is scary to think of what society would be like if everything were a free-for-all and there were no policies, laws or guidelines to abide by. Needless to say, there would be chaos and society would never progress or develope into anything. Government also aides in the protection and well-being of its citizens. Locke states that laws should be created for the best interests of the people. This means what is going to keep them safe, whether it be the punishment for a murder or the policies for national defense against foreign enemies. People also need the government for financial protection in some ways as well. Policy makers who regulate monopolies and trusts and control taxes are giving a service to the people that other governments around the world aren't as fortunate to have.
ReplyDeleteDemocracies definitely have a bigger advantage for the people over other forms of government. In our democracy, the people can directly vote for who they would like representing them in congress and the executive branch, unlike hereditary monarchies whose officials are chosen automatically. Besides direct personal involvement of the people, the government itself is balanced so that one part can never become more powerful than the other. In dictatorships especially, the executive of a country can become too powerful and have jurisdiction over things that they shouldn't. Idealy, the ideas behind democracy is the State of Nature that Locke refers to. Personally, his words resemble the opening paragraph of the Declaration of Independence which talks about every man being created equal and having certain liberties. These ideas are the foundations of democracy, which compared to other countries' governmeents is a luxury.
@Richard Black
-In your last sentence, do you mean that the important decisions are cast in votes so that the people can ultimately decide what is best for themselves? If so, you're right, but we must also consider the people who voted for something that didn't win and what they have to deal with because of this.
@Tyler Toussaint
-When you say everyone has a say, we're leaving out those who are here illegally or have not finalized their citizenship. These people make up a decent percent of the population who's voice is going unheard in these elections. However, we can look at it that because of our democracy they have the freedom to even be living here, which is better than most other countries and governments could offer, right?...maybe?
I think the main reason for government is protection. Governments protect people's rights from tyranists who want to control every aspect of their lives. There are basically two types of people, those who rule and those who follow. The government helps to keep those who have the urge to rule over others at bay. It also keeps crime down, because the government will have some type of rule system where people are punished in some way for stealing, plundering, murdering, etc. This protects the people under that government from their comrades. So the government protects rights of those under it. Government also protects its followers from outside invasion. It protects with war and also with treaties. Without government, there would be constant war between all of the people who wanted to rule. The fighting would never end because there will always be someone else who would rather rule over everyone else. Someone who thinks that they know what is best for everyone. The truth is, no one knows what is going to be best for everyone, that's why Democracy works so well. We elect the people that we want to represent us, so we get a little bit of a say as to what happens to us. This helps everyone feel that they have some kind of power, so only those qualified to rule over millions will try and succeed.
ReplyDeleteGovernments maintain order and ensure that certain things are done. They provide services to citizens by protecting them and giving them rights.
ReplyDeleteWe leave a State of Nature because it is too disorganized and inefficient. Every man for himself is effective with smaller populations when people can easily isolate themselves.
We rely on government to give protection from ourselves and foreign issues, provide stability, and maintain order.
Some advantages of democracy over other forms of government are that the people gain a sense of participation by electing officials and voting on propositions and laws.
We have government to keep order in our society. It is the responsibility of our government to provide for us and to keep us content. Our Democratic government caters our needs in ways that other forms of government do not, such as monarchies, hierarchies, dictatorships, etc. By having our government as a "by the people, for the people" type of system we have a say in our government and a state of cooperation as a society. Sure, we disagree, but in the end our government is Americans helping Americans. If we did not have a government, but let nature run it's course, we would be lost. Without order our society would not be able to function. We have freedom in our country, but as Mills states, we only have freedoms that do not harm others. If there was no government at all in our country it would be brother vs. brother, everyone out for his own self gain with no consideration for the expenses it causes for others. We would resort to animal-like "survival of the fittest" (literally), instead of what we have now which is more along the lines of social darwinism. But too much government is just as bad as not enough. Government can't play too heavy a role in its citizens' lives to determine specifics. We must have the advantages of having our own personal freedoms at the same time as having necessary rules.
ReplyDeleteThe role of government should be very limited. However, government is an essential aspect of our society and can not be eliminated entirely. If there were no government at all, citizens would just look out for themselves and the entire social structure would collapse. Organized aspects to our culture like purifying water and acquiring natural resources would become difficult to manage because every human would just be looking out for themselves like wild animals. In order for our society to function as we are used to, it needs a government to keep it under control.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the government is so essential to life as we know it, that should not give it the authority to dictate over every aspect of our lives and of our society. The government's purpose is to keep people safe and to provide people with leaders that suit their needs. Because of this philosophy, one of the only forms of government that I believe is effective is a Democracy. In a Democracy, the people decide (for the most part) who tells them what to do, that way they can't complain (as much) when the leaders make choices that don't suit their desires, and if their leaders become too unsatisfactory, they can get rid of them and get a different one. In this way, the citizens hold all the power while the government holds very little, but still makes decisions that help protect the citizens' lifestyles. The government should enforce laws and policies in order to protect its citizens from harming each other and from the government harming them. So essentially, with smaller government, citizens can live their lives whatever way they wish while still keeping lawful enough to not affect the livelihood of their fellow citizens, with the government ensuring that safety.
The role of government, to me, is to keep things in order. Without government, there is anarchy. Living a life without rules and regulations leads, quite simply, to death and destruction. There needs to be some source of a higher authority, just to keep everything running the way it should. I don't believe that government should be all powerful, by all means, I just think that they should step in when necessary and leave the rest to the people. Government also protects citizens from killing one another based on beliefs or values. That is where democracy plays a role in our society. Democracy is freedom. Freedom to say the things we want, do the things we want, and believe the things we want. WE THE PEOPLE, are the rulers. We elect our officials and can fire them when we want to. Personally, I believe this form of government is the absolute greatest. Where else can people blatantly bad mouth their leader? Not many places. The people know what is best for them, and a democracy is the best way to let them make the choices that are going to improve their lives.
ReplyDeleteGovernment, like most others have said, is meant to keep order among the the citizens. Although many people believe that the government should have a very minor role in the lives of its people, I somewhat disagree. The government needs to protect its citizens, even if this means regulating certain things. A current example is the Obama administration making an attempt to regulate the financial industry. After the economic meltdown of 2008, it seems fairly obvious that there was a failure on some level of observation by the government. Another example are the New Deal programs.Some were opposed to this kind of government intervention, but in the long run these programs helped to restructure the economy.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, just like everyone else, I believe that democracy is the preferable to other forms of government because the people do have the power to a certain extent. We are blessed with the freedoms of individual thoughts and opinions. Unfortunately,we sometimes take it for granted.
The main role of the government is to protect people's natural rights! According to Locke, these natural rights are life, liberty, and property. People deserve said rights simply because we are human beings. Others believe that they are God given rights. The government is meant to protect those natural rights that we all share and to provide security that further enables us to have these rights. The state of nature is the state in which there is no government and no laws to abide by. People chose to move away from the "state of nature" because it leaves availability for their natural rights to be taken away. For example, people that are considered stronger might take the natural rights away from someone, the weaker people would form together into a big group to try to take the natural rights away from the stronger people, and no one would be protected from anyone or anything. Because of said insecurities, people would choose to give up part of their freedon in order to insure that everyone is protected. This is what leads to the formation of a government. Over time, our government is expected to do many things for its people. We rely on our government because it will provide security. This is why a democracy is more appealing than a monarchy, dictatorship,or theocracy. These other types of governments are not reliable because they are run by few people who run the government solely for the purpose of bettering themselves. With this mindset, the whole population cannot be satisfied, and therefore people's natural rights will not be protected.
ReplyDeleteThe government is a necessary part of everyday life but more importantly, it is what the people think and contribute that matters most. Sure, it is the government’s responsibility to pass the laws and come up with ways to help the people of the United States, but the people of the society are the backbone of everything that the government does. It is important for the government to appeal to its people otherwise they would lose the interest of the people and then new legislatures will be created because people are interested in different things. The people do not have a say in a monarchy or a dictatorship because the people of the government make all the rules and really only care about themselves. Machiavelli says that you should keep the rules of the government the same because you do not want to get into a fight with the people. The government is suppose to protect the people of their society and to completely ignore them in order to fulfill your wants and desires is completely against this.
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is the best type of government I think because people actually have a say in what the government does. Without the consent of the people, the government will manipulate the people and eventually lose their interest of something is not done.
This group is off to a great start. Some of you (Jessica, Vaihbov) are doing a better job of embedding theory than others. Please realize that to get full credit you need to do some work here and open up!
ReplyDeleteThat being said, the role of government is tricky. I also think that, we as a country expect differing things of our government depending on our current state of affairs.
After a crisis we want a lot of government (New Deal, Japanese Internment, McCarthy Trials) and at times of low stress or peace we don't really expect to hear from our legislators.
We are also impatient to wait out results.
Nonetheless, here we be. I'll say I'm happy to have societal behavior regulated. I am too busy, and too tired, to walk around with a club defending my stuff all day!
OK, please chat with eachother this week.
For those of you who are "late" now- some points are better than none so get after it.
Government exists because without it a large body of people would not be able to function. Someone has to be the leader because if there isn't a leader nothing can get accomplished. Jessica mentioned that both Locke and Hobbes asked people to imagine what it would be like without government. Most likely chaos. People need rules and guidelines to function properly. People also rely on the government to create rules and laws that are in the people's best interest and to protect them from threats. In order for people to be successful they need to be united and on the same page, government provides exactly this. The advantages of Democracy over other forms of government is that citizens get to elect people to represent them so that they are confident that their voice is heard. Other types of government do not allow its citizens to share their opinion much less consider it when making decisions.
ReplyDeleteI feel the government is in place to make decisions that the people honestly couldnt make, or shouldnt make. But this does not mean that the government should stick their noses into an individual's personal affairs. The government is marely in place to watch over the people as a whole.
ReplyDeleteThe advantage of democracy is that it allows decisions that involve the people, to be made by the people. Whereas in other forms like monarchy, theocracy, and dictatorship, the people are left "speechless". In all three forms the people have no say in the decisions, or even the ones making the decisions. Democracy is truly the best form of govenment for the people.
Ok, I'm sorry... I posted my first comment on the blog for rotation A, so I'll re-post it here...
ReplyDeleteThe role of government is to protect the citizens from themselves and each other. Government is part of the structure of society, and helps keep everyone in line. Human nature requires a government, as people are power-hungry and have an odd desire to force everyone else to live exactly as they do. The NECESSITY of a government is not debated nearly as often as the extent to which the government may interfere in the individual rights of the citizens.
Democracy is better than hereditary kingdoms, theocracies, and dictatorships because in a democracy the citizens can choose how much they are governed, and by whom. Hereditary kingdoms are flawed because the king or line of kings can be brutal or incompetent, and short of a rebellion, the subjects can’t do anything about it. Democracies are also better in that the citizens of a democracy are all considered sovereign individuals, whereas in kingdoms, the only sovereign person is the ruler. Theocracies are not completely effective because people have different beliefs, and the dissidents in a theocracy are often forced to be outcasts – which is an ineffective way to run a society because the dissidents will eventually gain power and form a rebellion. Theocracies also operate on the notion that it is one person’s job to make someone else religious- a notion, as Mill mentioned, that has started every religious persecution in history. Religious persecutions never end well, and allowing an entire government to persecute is just a bad idea. Dictatorships are flawed because they attempt to control absolutely everything. However, no government can possibly control every aspect of society, so the dictatorships control just enough of society to prevent anyone from getting anything useful done, like making legislation that is logical and effective.
@Ryan Mahoney- You had a great point about the regulation of crime in a society; ordinary citizens do not have the ability or the resources to prevent or punish crime effectively.
ReplyDelete@Robby- Machiavelli really only talks about how to run an empire; he doesn’t go in depth regarding the workings of a democracy. I think if people feared the leaders in a democracy that would be a sign that those leaders were becoming too powerful.
@Richard Black- I agree with you – getting opinions from various sources is a great thing for a government to do in order to keep society running. When people have a say in making decisions that affect them, their choices tend to reflect their best interests and they are less likely to try to change the decision.
@Rick- I really liked your point about social cohesion! Managing all the little things that are associated with one’s daily routine would be overwhelming if one had to coordinate all of it and then nothing would get done.
@Brendon- I’m being argumentative again…. You said that minorities would be more protected in a democracy, and I have to disagree. The strict interpretation of democracy is actually majority rule (sometimes called mob rule) and this can cause minorities to be left out. However, in a democratic republic (which is what we have in the United States) allows the majority to vote, but does not silence the minority. You had a great point about there being a smaller amount of rebellions in democracies.
By Jessica Schildt.
ReplyDelete@ Alana Turner-
I think your comments about “Americans helping Americans” and “we only have freedoms that do not harm others” are very insightful. It captures the very idea that our government is the best it can be. The State of Nature would not work because it allows for hostility and chaos between citizens (if they can even be called citizens).
Also, I agree with what you wrote about the fact that the government should not have too much power. The freedom “to determine specifics” is one that should rest with the people. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution with these ideas in mind, and I think it is a very fair government that does not meddle where it does not belong. I’m glad that you touched on that aspect of the government, as it is key to why democracy is the best system of government.
@ Brendon McNicholas-
You make a very good point when you write that “A democracy also has less of a chance of causing a rebellion or uprising, since the majority of individuals are not forced to follow laws and regulations that they do not prefer.” There is nothing like electing the officials that one thinks will do the best job. I can’t imagine how oppressed the people in other countries must feel as they watch their leaders make decisions without their citizens in mind. Democracy allows every citizen to vote, and your comment made me realize how often we take that for granted. To have a role in the laws, regulations, etc that influence our actions is a privilege that other types of government do not enjoy, such as monarchies, dictatorships, etc. In short, your post expressed that democracy is for the people, which is an astute observation.
The role of government is create laws for its citizens to live by. A large group of people cannot function without a leader as mass chaos would erupt. A successful government makes sure that all of its members are accounted for and represented when making decisions for the good of its society. Without a leader, nothing would be able to get accomplished. Humans by nature seek to benefit themselves before helping others which is why leaders are required. A democracy is superior to all other forms of government, because all citizens are accounted for when making decisions. Although this is not always the case, subjects still elect their leaders and are represented one way or another. In other forms of government, such as a monarchy, subjects must obey the laws of the land without giving any input. The king's word is final which leaves some citizens feeling disgruntled.
ReplyDelete@ jessica shildt-
ReplyDeleteI think your right about how people think government is supposed to take care of them. That has seemed to be the belief among many Americans that government should be doing everything, but in reality, the people and the individual should be the rulers and government should be just the choice people to enact our decisions. Not the ones making them for us or without our consent. People need to get educated about the true power we have/used to have.People need to know its our responsibilty to get the right information to make good decisions and stop leaving so much up to our government!
@Joe: couldnt agree more with your post. the only thing that I would possibly disagree with is your statement "Humans by nature seek to benefit themselves before helping others"...I think this is true for most, but I believe some would be trying to help others instead of just themselves. But I do agree that without a leader many would feel pressure to look after themselves before they looked after others. So even though most would seek to benefit themselves, I dont feel that all would. Which is why I also believe that we are not, "by nature" only interested in helping ourselves.
ReplyDelete@taylor: I agree with your post, but the part where you said " In order for people to be successful they need to be united and on the same page, government provides exactly this.", I have mixed feelings. I believe that the statement is true, but I dont feel the government does that completely. Take for instance religion. The government has given us the right to believe in whatever we want, as long as we dont offend others through it. This merely creats tolerance among the people, not unification. For instance in Rome they followed the same rules for religion, but after sometime no one was on the same page, which (along with other things) led to their collapse. So yes, while the gov. has the power to unify us, some decisions they make can actually internally push us apart.
ReplyDeleteI like that you mentioned how the media plays a part in elections and related it to democracy and how it works.
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ReplyDelete@ Sam Sidoti:
ReplyDeleteWhen you write “directly vote for who they would like representing them in congress and the executive branch,” you should remember that it is actually the electoral college who vote for the presidential candidates.
@ Alison Stackhouse:
You are absolutely right when you wrote that we take our liberty for granted. Citizens must remember that the U.S. would not be here if it were not for a few courageous people and their unwavering belief that using diplomacy and war would be the only way of gaining liberty and keeping it throughout the years.
ReplyDeleteWhen you mentioned Cesare Borgia and his hereditary kingdom, it is true in the fact that his type of government is ineffective. Combined with cruelty, sometimes just because a leader is ‘born’ into their position, it doesn’t mean that they’re the best suited person for that job. This also shows the whole fear vs. loved concept. There’s a point to which you want to be feared – in this case, it was too far. People not only feared Borgia, but hated him as well because of his continued cruelty.
I like how you used the term “Americans helping Americans” because this shows how, unlike governments such as dictatorships and monarchies, our democracy truly is run by the people, for the people. We are represented in our government, and therefore the decisions made by us, are for us. Likewise, as you said, it’s great to have government, but too much government can be a problem as well. We need guidance, but not complete control.
ReplyDeleteYes I know. It's the people's votes however that can assist or persuade the electoral college for their state... sometimes. Other times the electoral college can vote against the popular vote and chose the other canidate, much like in the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. The electoral college is one of those things that makes me question how much our votes truly matter in a presidential election. It also makes me think of the elitist theory..elites making decisions...hrmmm...
(seeing as the other people I originally responded to never saw what I wrote apparently, I'll comment on one other person, just cause).
You said that what the people think and contribute matters most. What I just said to Viahbov though makes me truly question your statement. If ultimately the decisions are made by other people, how are we suppose to know how our opinions influence their decision making? It seems like your statement can only be completely true when talking about a direct democracy.
@Laura Wright & Tyler Johnson:
ReplyDeleteLaura you said that we get "a little bit of say in government" and Tyler, you said that the government gets little say. so who is right? these are two conflicting ideas over one key issue....who gets the power? The people or the government? This is an issue that conflicts everyone. Who holds the power? Is there no consensus?
@Vaibhav: I see how two people can leave a state of nature through compromise, but also government. This is why we need government. Your point makes sense, but i feel like their is more to it. And your comment on dictatorships having isolation to have a tighter leash on their people is Machiavelli's main point. He was strict on a dictatorship leaving a state of nature so they could gain complete control and told leaders how to go about it. It was his plans to makes sure that their was a government, but a totalitarian one at that. No state of nature for him.
ReplyDeleteI found your line concerning individuals being power hungry quite compelling. It is very true that individuals always attempt to convince people to live by their standards rather than be open minded to others individuals' ideas and beliefs. I also agree with your statement concerning the necessity of government. Generally, there is no question as to whether or not a society needs a government. The problem stems from how much power the government is going to be permitted to have. This is proven by the fact that political ideology ranges from liberal to libertarian.
@Ryan Mahoney
I enjoyed how you discussed the political participation of the population in America. You are very correct in stating that many people are ignorant to the current affairs in politics and possible laws. This kind of blindness is not great for America since not every individual is participating in the democratic process. Unfortunately, some individuals have succumbed to an uncaring attitude and do not follow what is occurring. I believe that if we as Americans have the right to exercise power in the political process and government, then we should attempt to use the power to benefit the country. It is our responsibility to utilize the democratic process to the best of its abilities.
Jessica, I liked the theory you had embedded in your posts, like how government opposes anarchy, and democracy vs. heriditary rule. I hadn't though to put things like that in my own post, so I found yours quite informative in that respect.
ReplyDeleteErin, your comments on theocracy were both very true and enlightening, like how they not only allow only one religion but actively press it on others as well, and how this has started nearly all religious persecutions. The way you used this to contrast with democracy makes a lot of sense.
@ Kaylee
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that the government is supposed to protect our rights. Even if they aren’t God given rights, we still deserve to have them. To take away our rights would be going against the constitution.
@ Mahoney
The media has a huge influence on elections today. Based upon what people hear on T.V., they vote on the candidate they think is best sometimes without thinking about what the pros and cons might be. They could vote for someone just because they think they are pretty or has a good personality. The point is that media can influence people to make a choice that leas them down the wrong path. People can get the information they want from more than just television.
@ Carissa Miyano:
ReplyDeleteI forgot that Machiavelli encouraged leaders to use fear instead of love, but you are right, because too much fear will eventually cause a situation where citizens have nothing else to lose. They will rebel, even though they know that if their rebellion fails they will be severely punished.
@ Sam Sidoti:
Sam you should remember that the elitist theory you refer to, only concerns the executive branch. The founding fathers probably had a good reason to use elites instead of average citizens, because elites are usually more educated and better informed about each candidate. It does not mean that most citizens do not have a say in who should be president, because like you mentioned the electoral college votes are similar to the popular votes. We should try to understand that it is rare for the electoral college to vote against popular demand.
@ Alana Turner:
I agree Alana that Machiavelli wanted leaders to leave a State of Nature and he certainly wrote a lot more about totalitarian governments, but we should remember that he also gave advice that leaders should give some liberty to their citizens and gave examples alluding to Athens (if people did not know Athens was governed through direct democracy) and how they were successful.
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ReplyDeleteI completely agree with your argument that people rely on the government to create laws that are in the people’s best interest. I think that this is the main reason that many people wanted to move away from the Natural State. Without any protection or security, why would people put their trust into anything? It would be every man (or woman) for him (her) self. The involvement of the people in the government is absolutely vital in keeping the people as happy and secure as they see fit.
I really liked your point that a government is to provide services to the people. That was a point that I did not elaborate on in my entry. We are able to drive on paved roads because of the government. The government ensures that the food we consume will not harm us. Society needs the government to provide these services in order for it to protect the population. The people created the government so that it can give back to the people, and that is really important in regards to protection.
Most of you didn't finish the blog....meaning you didn't continue to "chat" throughout the week. Let that be your goal this week!