Sunday, October 3, 2010

Media Week Blog Post

OK, Here's the highly anticipated topic.

First, find the best campaign ad for either a governor's race or the 2010 midterm elections
Post the link to the video here

Then, with your link discuss the following items
1. is the ad poitivie or negative in tone
2. Why does the ad "work"? What makes it a good ad?
3. Who paid for or created the ad? (candidate, DNC/RNC, or a PAC/Interest Group)
4. What are they trying to accomplish with this ad- what do they want you, the voter, to know or realize?

Remember, You cannot use the same ad as anyone else in the class



    1. This ad is quite positive.
    2. This ad works because it is showing the people of Wisconsin that Tom Barrett has done quite a bit for his community in securing jobs for the people. It works because the person who created the video manipulated news coverage to make it seem as though Barrett is a hero. It is an overall positive message for Barrett and it really works in his favor.
    3. This video was paid for by Barrett for Wisconsin. Catherine Shaw, Treasurer. (This is what the video said at the end).
    4. They want the voter to know that the reason they have their job is because of Tom Barrett. Without Barrett, Milwaukee would all be in poverty and homeless. The video is aiming at the hearts of families and trying to make them feel guilty if they don't vote for Barrett. (Not necessarily the best video ever, but definitely effective!)


    The link posted, is an ad from the Republican Candidate running in the gubernatorial race of California: Meg Whitman.

    1. The ad is bombarding the Democratic Candidate, Jerry Brown, with examples of failures, as governor of California. It emphasizes his desires of increasing taxes and the high unemployment rate, under his governing. And it questions Californians if they can afford to allow him to fail again. So, it is definitely using a negative tone.

    2. The ad is successful, because it uses substantial evidence/facts to target Brown. By using resources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, to collect facts about unemployment, these accusations are solidified and help emphasize the candidate’s inability to satisfy or improve the state.

    3. At the end of the video, the ad stated that it was “Paid for by Meg Whitman For Governor 2010”. So, I am going to assume that it was funded as an independent expenditure.

    4. The video wants Californians to question the work of Brown. Whitman wants her citizens to know that Brown is useless, and should not be re-elected as governor. This, enabling her to rake in more votes for herself.


    1. It is slightly positive because it talks about what good she can accomplish, yet also puts down the government. Overall it is more positive than negative.
    2. This ad works because Bachmann herself is speaking making her seem accessible to the public. Also she says she is against many policies that obviously aren't good, and people will believe her.
    3. It was paid for by Bachmann for congress, so some form of individual expenditure.
    4.They want the voter to realize the bad in government now, and how Bachmann makes it better. She is against many policies, and people will listen to what she says.


    1. This is a negative ad. Kendrick Meek (Democrat) uses Charlie Crist's (Republican) own word and statements agaisnt him in the Florida Senatorial race. Meek uses Crist's super conservative statements and views as a wepon agaisnt him.

    2.The ad is good because it gives Crist a negitive look to him. The statements come together to make Crist just seem like a bad person (to democrats and other liberal minded people) who just doesn't seem fit to run. Even though I know this is just propoganda, it works well and can be very convincing when heard and not looked into.

    3. The ad was paid for by the Florida Democratic Party and Kendrick Meek.

    4. I beleive the ad is trying to convince us that Crist is too conservative to be able to help Florida in it's needs and seems to portray Crist as person who won't do what is best for the state but what he believes is best based upon his own beliefs.

    Extra funsies :) Go Here to see some politacal cartoons that are very funny :) ( as far as i've seen its pretty much equal in dissing the parties but more or less at republicans so don't get offended their just funny


    This is a link for Vermont Senate Candidate Freilich, and it is pretty funny.

    1. It is a positive ad for Freilich, he says that he plans on only staying in office for two terms and voting for the poeple, not his pocket book.

    2.This ad works because not only is it full of information on what Freilich plans on doing for Vermont, it catches someone's attention because it is a parody to the old spice commercials.

    3. Dan Freilich and supporters paid for this ad, because he says that he has not spent any campaign money, he most likey just threw it together himself, out of his own money.

    4. Freilich is trying to get his points to the public, like voting with his state and not his pocket book, only serving two terms,and He will work for the people and not for washington. But while getting his points across he makes the video a parody of the old spice commercials, to draw in voters. He also wants people to realize that all the things that he pledges not to do are the things the current senator is doing in washington.

  6. The following link was for Republican candidate runner , Rick Scott, who is running for Governor of Florida for viewers like you. Thank you.

    1. The ad goes both ways as the candidate attack Obama, but he praised himself in a positive tone.
    2. Not a lot of people were happy about Obama's health care reform. He said he was one of the critics of the health plan. Rick wants to go against more government and those who want more government should be accountable.
    3. The advertisement was paid by the candidate Rick Scott.
    4. Rick Scott wants his viewers to know that he is a bald handsome candidate. He wants his viewers to know that he is against Obama and that he deserve to make it right for his viewers. The democratic party is also very wrong.

  7. yeah im just reserving my vid so no that no stank face steals it. nobody touch Basil Marceaux for TN Governor. he's all mine.

  8. Im doing Meek as well but its a different Commercial. I hope thats alright. I really like the Florida race.

    This next video is a spoof of it that i thought was funny :)

    (they bleep the bad words, so if bleeping is offensive dont watch)

    1. This video is a positive tone. It tells everyone why Meek is a good choice and how he will make the country and state better. He doesnt bag on anybody.

    2. This is a good ad because he appeals to many different groups. He appeals to the elderly which is very important. He also appeals to the middle class and pro choice advocates.

    3.Kendrick Meek paid for the video.

    4. They are trying to tell you why Meek is different while appealing to a large audience. This video is so great because it reaches out to so many. They want you to realize that Meek is supposedly on your side and that he is set aside from the other candidates running for Senate in Florida (Rubio and Crist).


    This link is an ad for republican John Kasich who is running for governor in Ohio against rival and current governor Ted Strickland.

    1. The tone of the add starts off negative because it shows pictures of Ohio's unfavorable situation. Ohio has lost over 400,000 jobs in the last three years and the ad shows an abandoned air field of DHL. But the tone changes to positive during Kasich's speech because he promises that the sun will shine again and the job problem will be fixed.

    2. The ad works because it addresses the biggest problem facing the people of Ohio, jobs. People are going to vote in a governor who they believe will be best at fixing this huge problem. He also gives a personal anecdote of how he knows what it is like to deal with job problems.

    3. The ad was paid for by the "Kasich/Taylor for Ohio" PAC.

    4. The PAC is trying to make voters believe that Kasich is going to put all the grudges of politics beside him and focus on benefiting the people by fixing jobs. They want voters to think that he has "everyones" best interest at heart. That is why in the group he is talking to there are minorities like blacks, women, kids, etc.

  10. This is from the Campaign trail of Andrew Cuomo who is running for New York Governor

    1. This ad is Negative. It tells why the other candidate, Carl Paladino, is a schmuck.
    2. This is a good ad because many people will look at the dirt pulled on this man and think he is a bad candidate. Andrew Cuomo is a democrat while Carl Paladino is a Republican candidate. The ad shows that while Paladino is fighting for more jobs he was given a 1.4 million dollar tax break for creating one job. They refer to him as the welfare king and try to establish his relationship to paid insiders.
    3. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign paid for the ad.
    4. They are trying to show why Paladino is part of the problem and how he is not able to perform the necessary tasks to be successful in the creation of many jobs instead of just one. They say he has paid to many politicians so he has insider information. Paladino is also criticized for being wealthy and getting this money from the taxpayers.

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  13. This is a campaign ad for Terry Goddard, running for Az governor

1. It's completely negative with the "fear-mongering & hurting arizona" at the end, and even the music that adds to the tone

2. The ad works because it's successful in discrediting his opponent, Jan Brewer, by demonstrating her blatantly lying to the public and avoiding an issue, making Goddard appear to be the best choice because the alternative runing can't be trusted.

    3. paid for by the Goddard for Governor Campaign

4. It makes people question Brewer's credibility. Goddard wants to prove that Jan Brewer is untrustworthy, therefore not worthy of being governor because if she lies then the people can't put their faith in her to be an honest, successful leader

    p.s. random deleted comments above because i signed in with the wrong account ha...

  14. ^^ good job, it took you 3 times to get it right

  15. I call dibs on Rory Reid, democrat candidate for Nevada's governor campaign. >:D

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    This is the Tennessee gubernatorial Republican candidate Basil Marceaux

    1. the tone of this ad is just as confusing as Basil, but for the most part its negative. Basil Marceaux mostly bashes on the current government system.

    2. This isn't a good ad it's HORRIBLE in terms of politics. It's the best ad though, because it hilarious. funny videos are viral! its so bad that everyone wants to see what the big hupla is all about, and so more people watch him.

    3. the candidate himself, i believe, created this ad, because he feels accepting funds from others is unethical and makes him a "bought man" that must give favors. However, you can tell he funded it himself. it's a cheap video at a random location that he just "likes".

    4. Basil wants the voter to realize that the Constitution says that all Americans have the right to bear arms, and that the Constitution does not state any exceptions to this Amendment. He wants people to realize that if they want to truly represent themselves then they should bear arms.

  18. ahaha jonah i tried watching his other official campaign ad ( but it's so painfully terrible i almost couldn't make it through the whole thing...
    like you said, he won't take campaign contributions so it seems this could be his way of showing people that there are more important things to spend money on and he refuses to be "bought and sold". but on the other hand, it's such a joke that it could be more detrimental to his campaign than beneficial because people won't take him seriously

  19. Tim James- Running for Governor of Alabama.

    Absolutely Hilarious!

    1. It tries to be positive, but the message is so racist, it's skewed.
    2. It appeals to stupid racist people that I assume live in Alabama. (Multilingual driving tests tend to be a good thing for safety, because those people will probably drive anyway).
    3. Tim James financed the ad himself. (He's a business man after all)
    4. They want you to assume that everyone speaks English, and if they don't then they can get out of Alabama. It seems like this guy is a couple decades, maybe centuries, behind in his thinking.


    1) this ad has a negative tone because it talks about Robin Carnahans past votes as most of these things have.
    2) This ad works because it defames Roy Blunt's opponent and says that if you want someone that will promote jobs, dont vote Carnahan.
    3)This ad was paid for by "friends of Roy Blunt" whatever that means. that sounds to generic to me.
    4) Blunt is trying to get people to realize that "Carnahan is wrong on every issue", which sounds a bit harsh to me. She votes for governmant stimulus and doubles energy usage.

    also, does anyone know what program they are using for these ads because they are all the same.

  21. @ spencer
    That whole thing seems sketchy....There's no reason they had to use all of those takes for one 30-second ad. also, 12 languages? what is he talking about? "we speak english, if you want to live here, learn it." What a hillbilly.
    I can see that guy saying something like "We dont take kindly to your types 'round these parts".

  22. ive found a creepy guy in his basement ms. dukes

    here's a terrible video imitating the old spice ads........... this is seriously the worst ad i've ever seen. its a grassroots vid from the "Blunt Brigade". i implore each of you to check it out.


    This is an ad for Dan Maes, the Republican candidate for Colorado Governor.

    1.) This ad is extremly positive in tone! They play a popular electronic band in the background, Owl City if im not mistaken.

    2.) This ad is sucessful in that it promotes Dan Maes positively, while also laying out his "4 Point Plan" in a manner that allows any simpleton to understand his goals. The ad also portrays Maes as popular with a roaring crowd cheering him on and his ad is flashy and well put together. Not only does the ad itself promote Maes in this "extrordinary light", but he ends it with him speaking plainly to the audience, making him seem like the all around good guy.

    3.) This ad is paid for by "friends of Dan Maese," so most likely donations by rich friends.

    4.) They are trying to get the audience to see Dan Maese as the best candidate because hes popular, an "all around good guy", and going to bring back the Republican power for colorado. He obviously took extremly republican stances as two of his goals are "Cut taxes and increase base revenue", and "Grant NO amnesty and harbor no illegal immigrants."

    David Schweikert- Arizona

    1. The interesting thing about this ad is that it’s both positive and negative. It begins with a negative message about David Schweikert’s opponent, Harry Mitchell, then gives a positive message about Schweikert.

    2. This ad works because during the first half, by portraying Mitchell as wrong for Congress, the audience becomes upset and worried, convinced they need someone else. Then in the second half, Schweikert comes in to “save the day”, proposing solutions to what his opponent has done wrong and what he will do to fix these problems.

    3. This ad is paid for by the candidate (“David Schweider for Congress”)

    4. The purpose of this ad is to remind Republicans of Mitchell’s Democratic agenda (since he is, in fact, Democratic) and his support of Obama’s programs. An option better suited to their likings, Schweider, is presented before them, trying to win the public by stopping the large amount of spending, ending bailouts, reducing bailouts, and securing the borders.

  25. Dan Fanelli runs for Florida congress with this racist ad.

    1. This ad looks like it should be from the deleted scenes of an episode of 24. With its use of terrorist stand ins it shows a very negative image of what national security is like.
    2. You said we can find our own definition of "best" for these campaign videos, and my definition was most outrageous. Therefore, this ad works on only one level. It can help get votes from middle aged white republican conservatives because it draws on the fear of terrorists, but besides that it mostly offends a lot of people because it's founded on racial profiling.
    3. the commercial was paid for by Fanelli for Congress and the RNC
    4. Fanelli is talking about national security, obviously, but he comes on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too strong and just comes off as racist and crazy.

  26. Rory Reid - Democrat candidate running for Nevada Governor.

    1. The ad is both positive and negative, attacking Brian Sandoval and at the same time giving a positive message about himself.

    2. This ad works well because Reid does a good job showing what he can do to specifically improving the banking system in Nevada. He effectively criticizes his opponent Brian Sandoval in his support for the banks.

    3. Rory Reid paid for this ad himself.

    4. He wants the viewer to realize that banks and special interests need to back off and keep their hands out of the pockets of the citizens of Nevada. He showsthat Brian Sandoval is for these banks and special interest groups and that he is not the right candidate for thid issue.


    1.This ad is negative in tone.

    2. This ad works because it's somewhat humorous and not to complicated for Rhode Island voters to figure out. He also does a sweet behind the back shot into a trash can.

    3. This ad was paid for by Ken Block for Governer

    4. Ken Block wants voters to know that he is concerned with solving the pension crisis, lowering spending, and creating jobs. He is also apparently has an interest in saving the environment. He says that previous politicians "kick the can". im not sure what that means. I think its a Rhode Island Phrase. anyone who can help me with this one is appreciated.

  28. Kay Hutchinson running for Governor of Texas against incumbent, Rick Perry.

    1. The ad is quite negative in tone especially towards Rick Perry
    2. The ad works because it is short and sweet and straight to Hutchinson's point. It's quite creative in the fact that she took the idea of the toll taxing and put the video in a scene of a highway. Highly effective and creative. Definitely draws in your attention and makes you want to keep reading to find out what the ad is about.
    3. It says in the end of the ad that the commercial was paid for by the Texans for Kay Bailey Hutchinson
    4. Hutchinson is trying to make the Texas viewers not vote for Perry for his third term. She wants the viewer to think negatively towards Perry and think that he is allowing foreign companies to take money from the tolls.

  29. @spencer

    I think your ad is pretty funny. i found a parody of it in spanish. made me lol.


    Your guys' group should be changed to the "Blunt Brigade"

    The link is an ad of Matt Dunne for Governor of Vermont.

    1. This ad has a positive tone and is only stating the reasons why Dunne should be elected as Governor of Vermont.
    2. The ad works because it talks about the future of Vermont and how today's students are the future. It also talks about how Dunne can create jobs so the future generation of kids wont have to go elsewhere to get them.
    3.This ad was paid for by Matt Dunne for Vermont, so this was an independent expenditure.
    4.This ad is trying to inform the voter that Matt Dunne is a trusworthy guy who cares a lot about the future generation of kids and the overall future of the state of Vermont. This ad also want the voter to know that Dunne is capable of creating a lot of jobs.

  31. ALSO I found a music video for Jean Quan for Oakland. I like it a lot cause she has soul. haha. Its called "Block by Block"
    Check it out.

  32. Democrat Bill Bradbury for Governor of Oregon

    1) The tone is very positive and almost makes the ad feel unnaturally happy.

    2) This ad ignores all negative thoughts and focuses purely on how Oregon will benefit from Bradbury becoming governor. He uses his MS to his advantage by showing how it could not keep him down, which he relates to the economy (he's going to get it 'rolling' like his segway). Not only that, but even though he cannot walk well, he still drives around smiling and acting like everything is just dandy. He's accompanied by happy, feel-good music as well. Overall, the viewer would watch this and think "Gee, this is nice."

    3) Friends of Bill Bradbury paid for this ad.

    4) This ad is being used to make the voter feel happy and optimistic, while relating those positive feelings to Bill Bradbury, a man that is being shown as resilient despite what life might throw at him. It goes deeper, though, as the viewer sees that Bradbury has specific goals in mind instead of just general 'save-the-economy' ideas (although the ad makes sure that viewers are aware that he knows what the final effects would be: small businesses with money, more jobs, better education, and a protected environment).


    1. This ad is negative toward (R) Dan Burton

    2. This ad is effective because it uses comedy. As Americans we are naturally wired to make fun of people. We do it all the time and we think it is funny, therefore that is what makes this ad effective.

    3. This ad was paid for by (D) John McGoff.

    4. The main purpose of this ad is to make the people realize that Dan Burton is not doing anything in office. He is simply filling space but not getting anything done.


    This is an Ad for Republican senatorial candidate Mark Kirk for Illiois, It has a positive tone due to the fact that it is an ad trying to get people to vote for him.

    this ad works because it gives important background information about Kirk especially with the fact that he used to be in the militsry. Republicans want someone like this. Also he has advocated for tax cuts numerous times which is a very conservative but also moderate ideology. another important factor is the fact that he portrays himself as an independtly minded Republican in order to gain votes from the independent side.

    The ad was paid for by the PAC "Kirk for Senate"

    The videos purpose is to get conservative minded along with independent voters to elect Mark Kirk. they also want the viewer to know his position and know what he is advocating for


    1. This ad is positive
    2. The ad works because it talks about how Harry Reid will give 41,000 jobs to the unemployed in a recession like today's current economy. It's a happy ad and makes you feel like if you go along with him, we will start using alternate energy sources and gain new jobs along the way.
    3. The ad was paid for by "Friends for Harry Reid" which is basically very unspecific. It leaves a wide margin for who could have paid for the ad, whom he does not mention.
    4. Harry Reid wants you to know that if you vote for him, he will work on alternate sources of energy in Nevada, i.e. Solar, Wind, Geothermal, and giving tax credits for clean energy. He says that through working for these alternate sources of energy, jobs will be created for the unemployed.

    He be Mr. Dale Peterson. Republican candidate for Alabama Agricultural Commission.

    1. Not really sure how to interpret this. It's positive in the fact that he discusses ways to make Alabama better but negative in the fact that he seems very discerning towards minorities and "thugs". But I guess its more positive than negative.

    2.this particular ad works because of the demographics of Alabama. They're all farmers, and "good ole boys" as you like to say, and just generally very nationalistic people and this Dale guy is like, all of that. He is very focused on preserving true american values and helping out the hard working citizens (i.e. farmers).

    3. The ad was paid for by the candidate himself and endorsed by iCaucus.

    4.They want the voters to know that the Agricultural Commission has quite a bit of responsibility and is very much related to a vast majority of the state of Alabama


    1. Negative.
    2. The fact that it's so...controversial? I suppose...? He's saying some pretty out there things. This has most definitely gotten attention before and was even featured on Bill O'Reilly.
    3. Friends of Les Phillip.
    4. They're trying to say "yo dawg Obama is screwing up our country so im gonna stop him" and whatnot.

  38. @jonah and sarah!
    OH MY that was a video to witness, i couldnt decide weather to laugh or cringe, so i did both.
    I have to admit though, I think his use of crappy video actually makes his statement about not being "bought and sold" rather convincing. Does this outweight his horrifying grammer and speech impediment that degrades whatever points he's actually trying to make to viewers?
    I cannot say it does haha.

  39. @ HERPDERP
    Your man's ad was brilliant with the "and theyre not going to call me racist" getup .
    Gotta love the way its only appropriate to mention ethnicity if its to gain votes;)

  40. @laney

    funny thing, despite it being such a terrible video, jonah had a point about it going viral. if you search for 2010 governor campaign, 2 of his videos have the highest view counts. clearly it worked.

  41. i came across this video that pretty much captures the range of campaign ads out there for the midterm elections. it's crzay how controversial some of them are, i mean you'd think the stereotyping of a muslim as a terrorist would be more hurtful than anything

  42. @Josh- Your video was pretty clever!

    @Jonah- That was horendous. I kind of lost hope for humanity when I watched that. haha.

  43. @ Mason- Meek’s ad here is probably most effective towards Democrats and some Independents since most Republicans support Crist’s ultra-conservative stance. While I can’t see it changing their minds, that was probably a smart move since Florida is, after all, a swing state and will convince the large population of moderates not to vote for Crist.

    @ Jonah- The main problem with this video is that it’s not well done, it seems so unprofessional. It was confusing as you said, and hard to understand the point he was trying to get across because he just kept rambling. Overall, it wasn’t a very persuasive argument on his end either: he just states what the Constitution says…not why he’s the right vote or the other guy’s the wrong vote.
    This is a very (for lack of a better word) interesting ad.

  44. @ herp-dee-durp
    (removes classes) And they're not going to call me a racist.LOL take off your glasses sir, i cant quite make out how black you are compared to our president.
    @ cameron j
    What's with all of the racial insensitivity in these kids of ads. There are at least four ads here that are racist. isn't that the kind of thing that ends political careers?

  45. Cam J, that video

    is fricken hilarious. I cant believe this guy is actually running for congress. "Ill stop these guys from getting near these." That seriously is a straight scene from 24 hahah Greatest ad on here by far.

  46. Jonah im gonna have to concur with everyone on here about your guy.

    I wasnt sure whether to be concerned or entertained. (and he had to be from TN, im from there :) ) haha if this guy gets elected then i will have completely lost faith in America

  47. @mitch and Cameron

    Is that Dan Fineli video for real? Its like the amazing racist 2.0! And honestly, just because some people are THINKING the same things that he is SAYING, doesn't mean that he should go out and make a freaking commercial about it! What the heck is wrong with this guy? Especially since he is in a state that isn't even a majority white. What an idiot.

  48. @Jonah
    How did you even find this Basil guy? Who refers to themselves as He just rambled and made himself look stupid. He wants people to come to Nashville with their guns and tell him he isn't doing good? I was so confused while I was watching that.

    Check this video out of him on Kimmel:

  49. Heather the video you choose was very creative. I also think that Hutchinson was trying to make a point about how Perry will tax you to make foreigners money. She is basically trying to get the voters to think that they will be betrayed by him.

  50. Victoria your ad is quite interesting in that Meg Whitman is calling out Jerry Brown for the loss of jobs when she is also part in the loss by moving many of Ebay’s jobs overseas. She has also spent $119 million dollars of her own money on her campaign. Her facts are supported and they will stand with the voters.

  51. @spencer- tim james video definetely has racial overtones, and who does he expect to win over with this ad? i think it is kind of a waste of campaign dollars because it does not really help him become governor

    @jonah- if your guy gets eected ill make sure to never go to tennessee because id be scared about it being run by this dude who is barely able to speak on the video? thats embarassing and it is funny for you mich sice you are from tennessee!

  52. Lacie, I found that your ad was extremely successful not only because it bashed Mitchell's choices, but because it also targeted the the Democratic agenda as a whole by illustrating the party's "wasteful" spending. It literally "killed two birds with one stone". Pretty smart.

    Ashlyn, I completely agree with you about Meg Whitman. She is such a hypocrite. Not a surprise that she purposefully neglected to state her own flaws.

    Sarah, I really liked your ad, just because it was a very successful use of "spinning". I actually feel really sorry for her...there's absolutely no way for her to deny it now...

  53. @ Sarah- Hahahaha, i love her face when she got caught off guard by all those reporters. Like Victoria said, this is a great use of "spinning". However unlike the Fox news case with the pimp where not all the info was released, i can't see how this one could possibly be put into any context that would not make Brewer look like a liar. I think it's safe to say she's busted for good. However whether this is a completely effective ad I cannot say. Goddard calls her a fear-mongerer, but i cant see this being a pressing and dominant issue in the elections, when compared to the border issue as a whole.

    @ Cam Jensen- Honestly I really only wanted to see the funny ads, and this was definately one of them. It's totally racist! I don't understand what Middle-Eastern man would want to participate in this ad. Effective? To the hysterical racists, yes. To all the Middle-Easterns and social liberals, im not so sure.

    @ everyone who commented on Basil-............................... i really don't know what to say. They guy's a hot mess of a joke. Yes, i saw him on all his other web ads, the Tennessee news, Kimmel, and the Soup. However i haven't seen an attack ad on him. I don't know if this is just because i haven't looked hard enough. Maybe though, none of the other candidates see him as competition or worth their money, which would be really sad.
