Sunday, February 27, 2011

APGov A Chapter 12 Study Questions

I will give you a hard copy on Monday, but these are due Tuesday at the beginning of class.

MUST BE HAND-WRITTEN. No Copying off of classmates.

Chapter 12 The Executive Branch Study Questions
35 Points Due March 1st.

Read Chapter 12 and answer these questions:

1. What are duties as chief executive?
2. How do pardons work? When do they most commonly occur?
3. Explain what executive agreements are
4. What are the terms of impeachment? What is the process?
5. What does the Cabinet do? Who are they?
6. What does the chief of staff do?
7. What is the formal duty of the VP?
8. If the Electoral College cannot determine a president because the minimum is not met- how is the president chosen?
9. The most common role for the Chief of State portion of the president’s job is to do what?
10. What is it the president does annually as Chief Legislator?
11. What is executive privilege?
12. What does the 25th Amendment do?
13. Only one president ever got to use the line-item veto. Who was it? Why was he the only one?
14. What are Emergency Powers and which case established them?

Read the Chapter 12 Summary Chapter “The Presidency”
First read: “Divided Government and the Powers of the Presidency”

15. Define divided government
16. Why did the Founding Fathers establish the Electoral College?
17. How does the EC protect small states/States’ Rights?
18. What did the 22nd Amendment do?
19. Why are informal powers so powerful?

Read “The Executive Branch”
20. What does the White House Office do?
21. Which structure do you think is the best? Why?
22. What does the EOP do? (Executive Office of the President)
23. How do independent agencies broaden presidential power?

Read “Presidential Power in Action”
24. How do presidents use popularity?
25. What is the honeymoon period?
26. What does the President do with the budget?
27. Why is Pocket Veto controversial?
28. How was impounding funds reformed?

Read “The President’s Program”
29. What are the two ways to develop a presidential program?

Read “Vice Presidents and Presidential Succession”
30. What do Vice Presidents really do?
31. What changed with the 25th Amendment? Why did they pass it?

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